Remains of one plane crash victim to be released to family today

Police say they will contact the family first before sharing the information with the public

12:18 AM MYT


KLANG — The remains of one of the 10 victims in the plane crash on Guthrie Highway near Elmina township, Shah Alam, will be handed over to the family this morning.

Selangor police chief Datuk Hussein Omar Khan, however, said further information including the victim’s identity will be disclosed later today.

“We will release one body (this) morning… we will contact the family first before further information is shared with the public,” he said briefly to reporters at the Forensic Department of Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital (HTAR) Klang here last night.

Earlier, Hussein held a meeting with the pathology team, the Malaysian Chemical Department, Bukit Aman police fingerprint division and ontology (dental) experts from the Health Ministry regarding the development of identifying the victims.

He said in addition to the process at the HTAR Forensic Department, his side also sent the victim’s sample to the Chemical Department in Petaling Jaya for the identification process.

Earlier, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain said the process of managing the bodies of the victims of the plane crash was expected to be completed as early as Monday.

In the 2.48 pm incident on Thursday, a private plane crashed near Bandar Elmina, Shah Alam, killing all two crew and six passengers, as well as two road users, an e-hailing driver and a p-hailing rider. — August 19, 2023



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