Women in politics: Nancy Shukri, Syerleena call for more representation

They advocate for more female participation in government

12:00 PM MYT


KUALA LUMPUR — There is a need for greater gender equality in Malaysia’s political sphere as women continue to be at the mercy of their male peers, said Women, Family, and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri.

Speaking with Scoop, Nancy pointed out the concerning lack of female candidates in the recently concluded state elections, underscoring the persistent dominance of men in the realm of politics.

“Women have traditionally been relegated to behind-the-scenes roles and subjected to control and dominance.

“There should be an urgent need for bold leaders who have the courage to endorse a minimum of 30% women candidates in an election,” she said.

“The recent state elections in the six states are crystal clear of how women are still subservient to their political masters and they just allowed it to happen. Although a woman candidate won during the election, she was not given an exco post.

“It is not about not knowing what to do, but the men just do not want to give opportunity to women.”

Nancy further underscored the resolve and resilience required for women to not only endure but also excel in the realm of politics.

To navigate the political arena, she said women must possess exceptional strength, adding that obstacles they encounter extend beyond their male counterparts and encompass fellow female members, who do not consistently champion the advancement of their fellow women within the hierarchy.

“For a woman to survive in politics, we have to observe enemies from within, hence, women have to work extra hard in order to survive and not remain submissive to their political masters,” Nancy said.

The concerns over women’s participation come amid PAS’ exclusion of any female representation in the state government’s executive committee, following the recently-concluded state elections.

Syerleena Abdul Rashid says women are often expected to be in domestic roles, and politics can be seen as a ‘man’s field’. — Syerleena Abdul Rashid Facebook pic, August 17, 2023

DAP’s Syerleena Abdul Rashid echoed a similar perspective to Nancy, emphasising that the prevalence of patriarchy stands as a primary factor deterring women from actively participating in electoral processes.

“Women are often expected to be in domestic roles, and politics can be seen as a ‘man’s field’,

“This mindset can lead to fewer opportunities and encouragement for women to pursue political careers. The demand of political life is intense, and for women, there may be societal pressure to balance these demands with family responsibilities, making it more challenging to fully commit to a political career,” the Bukit Bendera MP said.

“Women in politics often face intense scrutiny and stereotyping in the media. The focus may shift from their policies and competencies to their appearance and personal life.

“The attacks and nasty comments take on very vile personal attacks. The lack of safe media spaces and also ‘regulations’ to protect women online discourage potential women from taking that leap into politics.”

Meanwhile, Shobah Veera, a lawyer from Hakem Arabi & Associates, rejected the notion that there should be more female politicians in the state legislative assembly to represent women’s concerns.

“I think we should not be sexist, I believe that both men and women are equal and there’s no necessity for a woman politician to be a voice of another women’s community in our country.

“Men can also be the voice for the women. We should look at our representatives based on their capabilities and not by their genders,” Shobah said.

The recently concluded state elections saw a total of 71 women candidates fielded, with 21 of them emerging victorious in their respective states.

Pakatan Harapan (PH) fielded the highest number of women candidates with 26 out of a total of 138 candidates. — August 17, 2023



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