MELAKA – The guardian for a seven-year-old boy allegedly abused by his mother and her friend in Pasir Gudang, Johor, last Friday has yet to be determined, although the next of kin have already been identified.
Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said the Johor Social Welfare Department (JKM) had been doing background work to find out which next of kin would take care of the child in question.
“The final decision will be made once the child is discharged from the hospital. However, the preparatory work has already been done by the JKM,” she said.
Nancy told reporters this after officiating the Kasih KPWKM@Anti-Sexual Harassment Advocacy Road Tour programme at the Melaka International Trade Centre, Ayer Keroh today.
Nancy said the boy was currently being treated in the paediatric ward of Sultan Ismail Hospital and was in stable condition. He was said to be traumatised as a result of the abuse but JKM would provide counselling and rehabilitation to restore his confidence.
On Saturday, Johor Police Chief Datuk Kamarul Zaman Mamat said the victim’s 27-year-old mother and her 30-year-old female friend were arrested on suspicion of abusing the victim at a house in Bandar Layang Kasa, Pasir Gudang.
Kamarul Zaman said that the child’s mother was remanded for six days, while her friend was remanded for seven days to assist investigation under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001.
Previously, several video recordings and photos went viral showing members of the public storming a house, believed to be rescuing a child suspected of being abused by the biological mother and a friend. – August 14, 2023