Photo of the Day: Pass the sunscreen

11:11 PM MYT


AT least 14 areas across the country are experiencing extreme dry and hot weather as temperatures continue to soar.

The Health Ministry has advised the public to reduce outdoor activities and stay hydrated during heatwaves. If you need to head out, remember to wear a hat or carry an umbrella, as well as put on sunblock. – April 13, 2024



Mamak restaurants’ group to sue TikTok user for defaming industry

The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners’ Association (Presma) will proceed with suing a TikTok user for making defamatory claims about food preparation and cleanliness at mamak restaurants.

Islam larang tegur raja, pemerintah tanpa adab, taat setia bukan perkara main-main: Mimbar

Taat setia kepada raja, pemerintah, pemimpin dan ketua harus ditunjukkan sebaik mungkin, malah bukan perkara main-main yang boleh dipandang sebelah mata.

#Blockout2024: could a global call for Gaza also end celebrity worship?

The juxtaposition of the recent Met Gala and ongoing atrocities in Gaza has earned the ire of international social media users
