Articles By Nabila Shila

Foreign workers entitled to their salaries when they sign contract: HR minister

Failing to do so can result in legal action including blacklisting, which awaits errant agents and employers, he said. He added that this is also to deter irresponsible agents and employers from exceeding their hiring quotas.

New EPF CEO will be announced soon: Anwar

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim says he will announce the new Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) chief executive officer (CEO) soon.

Still not taking salary, says Anwar

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has reiterated he will not draw his monthly salary as prime minister until the economy has improved.

Group hopes South Africa’s genocide case against Israel will bring Gaza ceasefire

South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) will hopefully bring about an immediate ceasefire on the Zionist regime’s attacks on Gaza, the Palestinian Solidarity Secretariat said.

Page goes to Parliament as MoE’s silence on school dual-language programmes continues

The Education Ministry’s persistent silence on the challenges faced by schools that initially offered dual-language programmes but were later mandated to provide non-DLP classes to students has compelled the Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia to submit a memorandum to 31 ministries.

Eye hospital offers free check-ups, subsidised treatment for Lembah Pantai folk

A private eye hospital is offering check-ups and subsidised treatment for residents in Lembah Pantai.

Laungan perjuangan demi Palestin sekali lagi berkumandang di depan Kedutaan AS

Laungan ‘Palestine will never die’ (Palestin tidak akan mati) sekali lagi berkumandang di depan bangunan Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat (AS) di Jalan Tun Razak di sini apabila lebih 2,000 orang menyertai himpunan Global Day of Action: Ceasefire Now, Stop the War on Gaza

Global Day of Action for Gaza: over 2,000 join solidarity rally at US embassy

Rallying cries of “Palestine will never die” once again are reverberating in front of the United States Embassy in Jalan Tun Razak here as more than 2,000 people join the three-hour solidarity rally in conjunction with the Global Day of Action for Gaza.

Covid-19: ‘Tempoh imuniti tiga bulan mungkin sudah tidak boleh diguna pakai’

Pakar kesihatan awam mengingatkan orang ramai supaya sentiasa berwaspada dalam mencegah penularan Covid-19 terutama kepada mereka yang baru dijangkiti virus berkenaan.

Three-month Covid-19 immunity does not apply to everyone, say experts

Public health experts have reminded the public to stay vigilant in preventing the spread of Covid-19, even for those who have recently been infected in the past days or weeks.