Articles By Arjun Mohanakrishnan

MACC chief withdraws defamation suit against journalist

Lalitha Kunaratnam says suits ‘aimed to drain time, resources are not worth fighting’, notice of discontinuation shows closure without Tan Sri Azam Baki reserving rights to later file new action

How will SLS challenge Putrajaya’s failure to pay 48 years’ worth of grants to Sabah?

Court of Appeal dismisses attorney-general’s argument questioning high court’s decision in granting SLS leave for judicial review

Only one hostile nation in BRICS: Ukraine envoy

Ambassador says relations with Malaysia unaffected despite Russia being part of bloc

[UPDATED] Saifuddin’s promise broken: citizenship rejections by Home Ministry remain unexplained, says Family Frontiers

Constitutional amendment granting Malaysian mothers right to confer citizenship on their overseas-born children must also be retroactive

Sabah’s Bajau Laut make for poor spies, says Filipino NGO

State government destroys Bajau Laut homes seems to sweep away problems, Malaysia should look them as indigenous despite being stateless, says United Sama Badjao Association secretary

Daim wasn’t in office most of the years I was told to declare assets for, couldn’t have abused power: ex-DPP

Josephine Premla Severetnam, who was a director with one of Daim’s sons in a now-dissolved company, says ex-finance minister not a public officer from 1997 to January 1999, and from June 1, 2001 until now while she was told to declare from 1997 to 2024

Rosmah’s RM1.6 bil luxury goods case stalled pending move to recuse judge

Her lawyers suggested to high court that the judge is not suitable to hear application by 11 plaintiffs to prevent her from disposing items until matter of recusal decided

Lawyer urges transparency over AADK’s enforcement procedures

Law on arrest process for drug suspects silent on if they can inform friends, family of detention

Sulu sultanate heirs upset over Sabah’s decision to evict Bajau Laut

Family ambassador Matthew Pajares-Yngson says they are ‘heartbroken’ as fisherfolk community has lived there for centuries, considers it their ancestral land

Cops likely to make arrest over Firdaus Wong conversion video, activist claims

GHRF president criticised the government for its silence on the case, implying that their inaction meant approval