KUALA LUMPUR – Non-Muslim stakeholders were not excluded from consultations over the amendments to the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (RUU 355 as it is commonly known), Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Zulkifli Hasan told the Dewan Rakyat today.
Zulkifli’s statement comes in response to a question by Datuk Ahmad Saad (Pokok Sena – PN), regarding the government’s effort to table the RUU 355 to empower Syariah courts in the country.
The deputy minister pointed out that Putrajaya has consulted with various stakeholders regarding the amendments, and pointed out that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mentioned that these legislative changes must be done carefully.
Furthermore, according to the advice of the then-chairman of the National Islamic Council Perak Sultan Nazrin Shah, the federal government was advised to brief the religious affairs departments of all states in Malaysia.
“The Special Committee Studying Issues Related to the Competence of the State Legislative Assemblies to Enact Islamic Laws will also take a look at the amendments and we will take into account their feedback.
“The amendments will also be presented to the National Islamic Council, Rulers Conference and cabinet.
“Then we will bring the bill to parliament,” Zulkifli told parliament today.
Additionally, to prevent any misunderstandings, consultations were made with non-Muslim bodies such as the Christian Federation of Malaysia, the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship, the Taoism Society, the Hindu Sangam, and the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple.
Last Friday, it was reported that the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar said that the government will not table RUU355 in the current parliamentary session and will proceed with the second reading of the Mufti Bill instead. – October 17, 2024