KUALA LUMPUR – The accounting records of the Financial Statements of the Federal Government for the year ended December 31, 2022 are adequately maintained and updated, according to a statement issued by the Auditor-General.
In summary, the Financial Statements of the Federal Government give a true and fair view of the financial position of the federal government as at December 31, 2022.
Accordingly, the Auditor-General’s Certificates Without Reprimand with Other Matter paragraphs have been issued.
The total revenue of federal government in 2022 was at RM294.357 billion, which showed an increase of RM60.605 billion or 25.9% compared to 2021 (RM233.752 billion).
“The final budget approved for operating expenditures was RM236.966 billion, while the operating expenditures incurred was RM292.693 billion.
“The surplus amount of RM1.664 billion was transferred to the Development Fund, which made the actual operating expenditures amounted to RM294.357 billion.” – October 10, 2023